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More Gems for the Journey Page 3

  Journey Note

  30Today’s Gem

  The Bible commands us in Philippians 4:6–7 “to be not anxious or worry about anything, but in every circumstance, by prayer and thanksgiving, continue to make what we need known to God. And God’s peace, which transcends all understanding, shall be yours and will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus!” Worrying cannot add a single hour to your life. You can overcome worry by resting near the quiet waters in Psalm 23. Max Lucado painted the picture so vividly when he said, “God isn’t behind us yelling ‘Go!’ He’s ahead of us bidding us to ‘Come!’ He’s in front, clearing the path, and just before the curve God says, ‘Turn here,’ and prior to the rise He says, ‘step up here.’” God’s help is always timely. He has placed Himself between us and what concerns us. At the right time, He gives us direction. Yes, He may not come when we think we need Him, but He is always—on time!

  Journey Note

  31 Today’s Gem

  God wants you to tap into your pearl-producing power. How? Decide to live a life that pleases the Lord in all respects. From the time you wake up in the morning to the time you go to bed at night, set your heart’s desire on exalting Him. When the Spirit of God prompts you to do something, give expression to that impression. Don’t ignore it. Seek to obey the leading of the Lord on a moment-by-moment basis. Ephesians 5:18 says to “be filled with the Spirit.” In order to be full of God, you must first be empty of self. God wants all of you. You can settle for being an imitation by trying to cover ungodly character or you can allow the Holy Spirit to use the sands of “process” to create the real thing.

  Journey Note

  32 Today’s Gem

  Francis Bacon said, “The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express.” I just love being a woman—don’t you? In her book, Keep It Simple For Busy Women, Emily Barnes said that woman are more than lace and flowers. We are called to be women after God’s own heart. Women with teachable hearts who can give and forgive, protect and respect, manage and multiply. It is possible—we can go with ease, from craze to praise. Today, pray that your life will flow with God’s love and peace. Pray that as women of God we move by His Spirit and with His joy! Take the love of God and wrap it around every task you do today and every person you encounter. Our privilege is to fill our homes with prayer, peace and pleasure. That’s the beautiful gift that comes with the spirit of femininity! Celebrate the treasure of womanhood.

  Journey Note

  33 Today’s Gem

  Are you a woman of virtue or a simple sista? Virtue is developed over time as you allow the Spirit of God to do a special work in your life. It is the Spirit of God, not you, who produces godly character. God wants to make you as a string of pearls. These pearls of character are found in Galatians 5:22–23 and are known as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. As these qualities develop, your life will become like a beautiful necklace strung with the pearls of godly character. Simple sistas adorn themselves with immorality, sensuality, jealousy, idolatry and constant disputes, to name a few. If you have a bad bead on your string of pearls, remove it and replace it with a quality that pleases God.

  Journey Note

  34Today’s Gem

  Love on yourself today. You are worthy of love. Love multiplies, not divides. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love adds to you and causes you to grow. Love constrains you to be drawn to “character,” not cosmetics. Love empowers you to abide where you are truly celebrated—not haphazardly tolerated. Love is what love does—it is an action word. Love provokes you to change for the better. Love doesn’t take advantage of your weakness—love covers you while God works on you. Oh, in case you missed it—God is love. So it is really God that multiplies, adds, empowers, provokes and covers you. What’s love got to do with it? God has everything to do with it.

  Journey Note

  35Today’s Gem

  Today is your day, Queen! Purpose in your heart to walk like royalty. Be mindful of your conversations and talk like royalty. Look good. Sound good. Be all that God said you are—even if your immediate circumstances don’t reflect what He said. Know this. If God said it, that settles it, and His word confirms it. Isaiah 55:11 says, “So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth; it shall not return to me void or useless. It shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Celebrate Christ in you…the hope of glory. Celebrate the dreams that are about to come to pass in your life because it is due season. Declare it to be so. Proverbs 18:21 says you’ve got the power to do so!

  Journey Note

  36 Today’s Gem

  Hey, Sis—you are not alone! God wants you to know that it is not as bad as you think it is. It could be so much worse. God wants to lift you up and out of that “well of depression.” He wants you to know that you are empowered to walk from under that cloud and into the Sonshine…S-O-N shine. In the Son, your vision is clearer. In the Son, your pathway is brighter. In the Son, you feel the warmth of His love. In the Son, “God gives you beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.” Whatever you do…don’t quit. Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. Then, address the “life issues” that have brought you to this place. With God, nothing is impossible. This storm did not come to kill you. It came to make you stronger! Remember, it is in the midst of your weakness that you have access to His strength!

  Journey Note

  37 Today’s Gem

  What is it that is keeping you from loving Jesus first? Who is it that has come between you and the lover of your soul? Are you too busy? Busyness is a trick of the devil to keep you distracted. In Christ, you work less but you accomplish more. Often, we as women substitute “church work” for the “work of the church.” Perhaps we have become too busy putting our religion on display to impress others that we have lost perspective on what is most important—an enriching and deep, love relationship with the Lord. Barbara James said it this way—“We will not reach for more until we are dissatisfied with our current level of relationship.” Mediocrity is an enemy of excellence. Even if it is good—it could be better. Allow God to stretch you past your fears and natural inabilities. You will be surprised at the new adventures you encounter in Christ.

  Journey Note

  38 Today’s Gem

  The Bible says in Job 22:21, “Acquaint now yourself with Him; agree with God and show yourself to be conformed to His will and be at peace. By that, you shall prosper and great good shall come to you.” We know many things about God—but do we know God? God wants to “know you” in an intimate way. In the midst of intimacy there is conception and consequent birthing. Keep your relationship with God in a mode of intimacy. Keep Him near you. God wants to show you another side of Himself. He wants to be your provider, your defender, your confidant and your true love. Not only do you get acquainted with God, but in the spirit of peace, great good shall come to you.

  Journey Note

  39Today’s Gem

  Are you so caught up in the “what-ifs” of the future that you are missing the beauty and the blessing of the “right now”? Nothing about your life as a believer is an accident. God has a reason for requiring your patience. I Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” This is the season of trusting and obeying God. If you are willing to be at peace with the pace of God in your life, He is willing to give you His very best for your life. God’s sovereign will is always meant for your good and for His glory. Proverbs 3:5–6 admonishes us “to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not to your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.” The moment you find contentment with where you are is the moment of your release into God’s “next” for your life.

  Journey Note

  40 Today’s Gem

  Are you in church but out of Christ? God wants you to
know today that there is no peaceful coexistence with the devil. There are some things in your life that you must destroy for your future success in Christ. Yes, in Christ is where your success lies. God is not going to change His plans for your life to accommodate your vision. God will not share your heart with other idols. When Jesus becomes your everything, He automatically evicts people and things that do not belong. God is the ultimate significant other—no matter what your status is. This walk is not about religion, but about relationship. Release Him to be God in your life. If you made it this far, Sis, you can make it the rest of the way.

  Journey Note

  41Today’s Gem

  The devil does not want you to hear this. But it’s too late. Romans 8:1–2 declares, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who live not and walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life which is in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death.” You are free! You are not that woman anymore. You are free! You are released to pursue God. You are free! What you did is not who you are. You are the righteousness of God. You are full of joy because God said so! If the devil can keep you guilty, he can keep you defeated. People who magnify other people’s faults do so to avoid facing their own shortcomings. The moment you realize their words have no power over you—you are free of their opinions. The devil is no different. Confuse him with your praise. Worry him with your worship of the Lord Jesus Christ. Why? Because you are not coming out of this the same way you went in! You went in bound, but you are coming out free!

  Journey Note

  42 Today’s Gem

  In his book, Choosing God’s Best, author Don Raunikar said that it takes faith and courage to wait on God. Waiting for the Lord means pausing for further instructions yet continuing to worship and serve Him with your whole heart. We get in trouble when we make decisions impulsively, without waiting for God’s timing and God’s thinking because Satan takes legitimate needs and tempts us to meet those needs in illegitimate ways. God has a reason for requiring your patience. Psalms 27:14 admonishes us to “wait, hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be strong and enduring. Yes, wait for and expect the Lord.” God understands our need not to be alone. While you wait—worship, for He has plans to prosper you, not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future.

  Journey Note

  43 Today’s Gem

  When I was a little girl, one of my favorite games was hide-and-seek. I think that game has survived down through the years because it is so easy to learn. I found it more interesting that even “hiding” began in the book of Genesis. In Genesis 3:8, “Adam and Eve hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden” because of disobedience. Today, some of us are still playing hide-and-seek with God. Our disobedience has caused us to realize our nakedness, be ashamed of our nakedness, and hide our nakedness from the one who is waiting to cover us with His love. God has finished his countdown…ready or not here He comes. Just like He called out to Adam, He is calling out to you. Are you available to be found or are you going to keep running?

  Journey Note

  44Today’s Gem

  Some roadblocks are not the devil. It’s God trying to get your attention. Anytime you go against God you’ll run into Him. Why? It’s impossible to run into God if you are running with God. Remember, sis, your steps are ordered by God, so slow down and enjoy the journey. Don’t be in such a rush to get there. There are lessons learned along the way and the treasures are gathered as you go. Relax and trust God to get you there on time. He’s never late.

  Journey Note

  45 Today’s Gem

  Proverbs 18:24 says, “Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.” Too often after experiencing a broken heart, we as women build walls to attempt to protect ourselves from ever feeling that kind of pain again. Consequently, no love can come out, and conversely, no love can come in—not even the love of Christ. This same fear of pain keeps us from surrendering our hearts completely to the Lord. But what you need to understand is that love is not something that God gives and takes away. He is love! He is motivated by love to constrain me into a relationship with Him. His goodness draws me. His kindness keeps me. He favor sustains me. His power protects me. His shadow covers me in the midst of warfare and causes me to be at rest. Do you want to know what love is? Well God wants to show you—open up your heart and let Him in.

  Journey Note

  46 Today’s Gem

  Get up and get moving because the Lord says so! You cannot stay here where you are. You have too much to do and you’ve got too much to lose. Isaiah 40 says, “Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, does not faint or grow weary; there is no searching of His understanding. He gives power to the faint and weary, and to her who has no might, He increases strength (causing it to multiply and making it to abound). But those who wait for the Lord and hope in Him, shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up close to God as eagles; they shall run and not get weary, they shall walk and not faint.” You have the power to change your situation—how bad do you want to?

  Journey Note

  47Today’s Gem

  The wind of God is blowing and church as usual is over. Church is simply the gateway to the third dimension of glory or the Kingdom of God. If you’ve got good religion, then that is your problem. For religion is man’s interpretation of God and is not sufficient to propel you into wholeness. What you need is a real relationship directly with Jesus Christ. Relationship involves truth, honesty and love. Religion keeps you bound—relationship sets you free. Religion abuses and misuses you—relationship heals and comforts you. Religion stifles your growth—relationship matures and expands your territory. Religion is man’s idea—relationship is God’s ideal. Do you want to enter the most holy place of God? Then begin to confront your issues and be released into a place you have never imagined.

  Journey Note

  48Today’s Gem

  Too often we want to write the script for our lives and offer our plans to God as if they were His blueprints. However, the patterns of the Lord are consistent. The number three denotes completion, fullness, wholeness and perfection. The Bible tells us in Romans 12:2 that “we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we may prove what is that good (the first dimension of glory), and acceptable (the second dimension of glory), and perfect (third dimension of glory) will of God.” In the good place, we follow our ideas, our plans. In the acceptable place, we live with the reality that we created. But in the perfect place, we allow God to invade, and interrupt our frustrated existence to thrust us into His ideal situation for our lives. Who designed your present location?

  Journey Note

  49Today’s Gem

  My Father in the Lord, Bishop Ralph Dennis, was preaching about “a deeper place” and he said that “God wants to break your routine and cast you into the unusual.” I know you like tradition. But tradition is the living faith of dead men. I know it’s easier for you to operate with a mentality of traditionalism. But traditionalism is the dead faith of living men. Heretofore, the Body of Christ has been bound by man’s opinion, interpretation and execution of rules and regulations that have nothing to do with Kingdom manifestation. God has no grandchildren! Each generation must get to know Him personally. How well do your know your Father?

  Journey Note

  50Today’s Gem

  Change is coming! God is shaking the earth and everything that is not rooted and grounded in His love will fall away. God is calling us back to “holiness” and “wholeness.” Holiness is not a denomination, but a lifestyle. Holiness is not based on the way you dress, but the condition of your heart. Holiness is not just what you say, but how you think and consequently how you act. Holiness is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, temperance, faith, g
oodness and meekness. Deuteronomy 30 commands us to choose between life and death. Don’t just make a good choice, make a God choice and get ready to walk into your promise!

  Journey Note

  51 Today’s Gem

  I feel led to push my sistas through this transition you are in. God is calling you to a “deeper place.” My Pastor, Bishop Ralph Dennis, calls this place both “crucial” and “painful.” It’s crucial because you cannot afford to miss it, and it is painful because of what is required of you. When you pursue the will of God for your life, He interrupts and intrudes your plans to bring forth His purpose. The Lord is stretching you and making you uncomfortable where you are because He has plans for you. He is calling you to dwell in the secret place of the Most High. He is calling you close to reveal some things to you about you that amaze you! I know, you’ve heard that before—but you need to hear it until you believe it. You are an amazing woman and God has great plans for you.